PRIME: Kimco
Contact: Duane Usa (708) 583-9800
Term: 1999 to 2001 and re-awarded 2002 to 2006
Contract amount: $400,800
Staffing Requirement: 7 employees and 1 Field Supervisor
Total Square Feet: 600,000
Scope of job: Cook County Administration Building
Management Challenges:
This is the administration building for Cook County. Cook County is one of the largest counties in the country. This 40-story building must be cleaned daily and includes restricted access areas. The Field Supervisor is not on-site. He is personally detailed to this contract to oversee all cleaning activities. Additionally, we oversee and administer the payroll, their uniforms, scheduling and other commensurate issues. We represent the 25% minority threshold on this contract. We have been operating successfully as a minority sub-contractor and have been an asset to the prime and vice versa.